We’re Post-“SEED FREEDOM” Now: HG Destiny Gundam – Work in Progress #2

Before anything else, I just wanted to say that as of this post, we’ve finally crossed a milestone that’s 20 years in the making. Yes, the Gundam SEED movie that stayed in development hell for two decades, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM, is finally out. I’ve spent a good amount of the morning just embracing all the spoilers and whatnot. And I’m quite motivated to go through and finish this kit as my copy of the HGCE Rising Freedom Gundam is on its way.

I’m more or less a good third of the way in this build and compared to the last three kits, I’m really satisfied with what Bandai did with this High Grade. So much so that I do agree it was one of the best in 2019 (man, that’s already five years ago). I started on the lower half yesterday and I painted some gray details on the leg thrusters and the feet. I am planning to complete the main mobile suit tonight with the backpack and weapons this weekend.

I really like what Bandai Spirits has done with this kit and if it’s any indication of the HGCE Rising Freedom, then I will gladly look forward to building that one.
