Bringing Back This Build Concept: RX-78-2 Gundam [Patchwork Armor]

I’m still building the Entry Grade RX-78-2 Gundam and I’m quite enjoying it for something that’s quite cheap. It also made me remember one of the builds I’ve always wanted to do with the HGUC ‘Revive’ version.

These were the photos on display when Bandai Spirits announced the MS Armor 01 set of the Builders Parts HD line. They basically placed it as a patchwork armor of sorts for the RG RX-78-2 Gundam. Thus, I’m thinking of building a RX-78-2 Gundam [Patchwork Armor] custom, but using the HGUC ‘Revive’ instead. The idea is to provide a quick armor upgrade to the Gundam without the nuances of going through the whole FSWS (Full-Armor System and Weapon System) process, hence the patchwork name.

While I’m not sure when I’ll get to build this, I also don’t want to build yet another RX-78-2 Gundam kit following the Entry Grade. But I will definitely try to do this within 2021. Let’s see!
