The Other Mobile Suit with Golden Wings: HGAW Gundam Double X – Work in Progress #1

Following my Gunpla building blitz earlier in the year, things have slowed down considerably due to a couple of reasons. Primarily due to work shenanigans and related stuff which I’ll talk about soon. The other is the annual onset of the rainy season in my locale, which puts additional hassles when building. But I still managed to start a kit around a month or so ago and finally decided to continue the build this week.

While everybody is building the Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam, and yes, I already have two copies of that kit, I decided to build what I believe is the design inspiration of the original Freedom Gundam, that being the Gundam Double X from After War Gundam X. It’s an 11-year-old kit and it definitely is a far cry from the engineering that something like the “SEED Action System” has. But following my completion of the V2 Gundam (and all its variants), the God Gundam, and the Wing Gundam Zero way back when, it’s only fitting that I build the last mid-season upgrade unit from the 90s Gundam series.

I started this kit with the reflector panels of the Twin Satellite Cannon because I wanted to figure out the best way to paint its specific kind of gold. In the end, I went with a metallic gold base with a coat of clear yellow and sealed with pearl clear. I also did the same with the radiator fins on the arms and legs. Speaking of paints, there are also several yellow parts that need to be painted, and the usual assortment of gray and black areas. Surprisingly, even for a 2013 kit, the red jewel on the blade antenna isn’t a separate piece and needs paint as well.

Since it’s already July next week, I am targeting to complete this kit by the end of July, considering it is in the middle of our rainy season. What I’m sure is that I’ll get right with the Mighty Strike Freedom following this guy.
