This Drew Blood, Literally! Robot Spirits Villkiss – Retrobright Restoration

Along with starting my HGUC Phantom Gundam quad-build, I did an unplanned restoration work on this figure. And then, it drew blood.

I unfortunately found my copy of The Robot Spirits <Side RM> Villkiss figure in a not-so-ideal spot in the house that caused parts of its right section to be discolored. Fortunately, this isn’t the first time I’ve encountered such so I went ahead, picked up one liter of hydrogen peroxide, disassembled the figure, and soaked it under bright sunlight — a process called “retrobrighting.” And since the figure is already disassembled, I might as well put a layer of matte topcoat prior to reassembly as I tend to do with these.

Then, the thing drew blood as I knew little how sharp and edgy parts of this figure are. And for something that you need to handle and break apart to transform into flight mode, more blood will be drawn if you’re not careful. That’s something I’ll definitely be mindful of every time I handle this figure.

Before I forget, the retrobright process was successful as you can see above. So, I guess being stabbed by this figure was worth it?
