Oh Loa! The Robot Spirits ⟨Side JAEGER⟩ Atlas Destroyer

The following may contain spoilers for Pacific Rim: The Black.

I just finished season 1 of Pacific Rim: The Black earlier today and it was awesome, in fact, I’ve already written the review ready to be posted this weekend. But before going deep into the series itself, Tamashii Nations has timed the announcement of The Robot Spirits ⟨Side JAEGER⟩ Atlas Destroyer. Having watched the series makes me want to get this guy more.

Pacific Rim jaegers can come in all shapes and sizes, with the best proportioned ones usually reserved for the hero machines, and Atlas Destroyer here is no exception. A quick look at the jaeger actually gives you Gipsy Danger vibes from the proportions to the huge visor at the head, which I think is intentional. Atlas Destroyer is described in the series as a combat jaeger ‘downgraded’ to cadet training use. If this is the case, then the very bright color scheme would make sense as who in the right mind would deploy a brightly colored jaeger that a kaiju can spot from kilometers away.

The excellent proportions also mean that this figure will not have any issues when it comes to articulation, as seen in these solicitation shots. Atles Destroyer does a lot of melee and close combat in the series thanks to being an unarmed jaeger so this figure can replicate such poses quite well.

Atlas Destroyer doesn’t remain weaponless the entire season as it gains the right arm unit of another jaeger, Chaos Nemesis. Which means this figure also contains a replacement right arm, complete with its vanadium steel saber chain as main weapon. Not really sure if the saber chain itself is flexible or just a single piece of plastic but hey, more weapons are always better.

Those who want an Atlas Destroyer would have to go through your preferred middleman service as this figure is a Tamashii Web exclusive.

The Robot Spirits ⟨Side JAEGER⟩ Atlas Destroyer
September 2021 / ¥3,500
